20 Dev Tools for Development in React to Code like a Pro — Part 1

React has become one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for front-end web development, and for good reason. It allows developers to quickly create user interfaces that are both powerful and interactive. React also has a large and growing community of developers who are continually creating new tools to help make development in React even easier. In this article, we’ll look at 20 of the best React development tools that can help you code like a pro.

1. Create React App:

Create React App is a command line tool that helps you quickly set up a React project. It automatically sets up the necessary files and structure, as well as configures webpack and Babel.

Create React App also simplifies the process of setting up a React project by providing a single command-line interface to create, build, and serve applications.
With the CLI, developers can easily create a new React project with the following command

npx create-react-app my-app

This command will create a new React project with all the necessary files and dependencies. From there, developers can start building their application.

Create React App also provides a simple build system that compiles and bundles React code into a single JavaScript file. This file can then be used to serve the application as a static website. This makes it easy to deploy React applications to servers or hosting providers.

Overall, Create React App is an invaluable tool for React developers. It simplifies the process of setting up a React project and provides a comprehensive toolchain for building and deploying React applications.

2. React DevTools:

React DevTools is an extension for Chrome and Firefox that allows you to debug React components. It also provides useful features such as a component tree, an inspector, and an element explorer.
React DevTools provides a component tree view to inspect the component hierarchy of a React application. This view allows developers to view component state and props, trace component updates, and profile component performance.

It also provides an interactive console for developers to quickly debug their components. React DevTools also offers a component inspector that allows developers to inspect individual components in detail. It provides information such as component state, props, and component methods. This allows developers to quickly identify and debug problems in their component code.

In addition to component inspection, React DevTools also provides an interactive profiler that allows developers to identify performance bottlenecks in their applications. It provides a timeline view of component render cycles and a detailed breakdown of component render time. This allows developers to identify and optimize areas of their application that are not performing as expected.

Finally, React DevTools also offers an integrated performance monitor to detect and alert developers to performance issues.

3. React Hot Loader:

React Hot Loader is a plugin for webpack that allows you to make live changes to your React components without having to reload the page. This can drastically speed up development time.
React Hot Loader works by using the Webpack module bundler to detect changes in the code and update the application without a full page reload. This is a great way to save time and keep developers from having to constantly restart the application to test out changes. Hot Loader also makes it easier to debug components. When an error occurs, the Hot Loader will pause the application and provide detailed information about the error.

React Hot Loader also makes it easier to keep React components up to date. Developers can use the Hot Loader to include the latest version of React and its associated libraries, such as React Router, without needing to re-write components. This helps ensure that the application is always running on the latest version of React.

The Hot Loader is a great tool for developers that are looking to optimize the development experience when working with React. It enables developers to use the latest version of React and its associated libraries without needing to restart their application. It also makes it easier to debug components by providing detailed information about errors. Finally, it helps keep React components up to date by allowing developers to include the latest version of React and its associated libraries without needing to re-write components.

4. React Router:

React Router is a powerful library for routing within a React application. It’s a popular choice for many developers because it makes it easy to create dynamic, single-page applications with React. For React, React Router offers a full-featured routing library. It provides a way to map URLs to components and keep the UI in sync with the URL.
React Router is designed with simplicity in mind and allows developers to quickly add routing capabilities to their React applications. It also supports nested routes, dynamic routes, and route props. This makes it easy to create complex applications with multiple pages and navigation.

React Router also provides an API for navigation and provides hooks for developers to add custom navigation logic. Developers can use React Router to create links, redirects, route guards, and more. React Router also works well with server-side rendering, making it easy to create SEO-friendly applications.

React Router is also highly extensible and provides a wide range of plugins and add-ons. Developers can use these to add custom functionality and extend the capabilities of React Router. This makes it easy to add features like authentication, authorization, and more.

For developers looking to add routing to their React applications, React Router is a great choice. It’s simple to use, extensible, and provides an API for custom navigation logic. With React Router, developers can quickly create powerful, dynamic applications with multiple pages and navigation.

5. Redux:

Redux is a powerful tool that enables developers to build applications with a predictable state container. It is used as a way to manage state in JavaScript applications, and it is gaining popularity among developers due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

Redux is based on the concept of an application state. This is an object that contains the data that the application needs to keep track of. Redux is able to maintain this state across different screens or components within an application, and it allows for changes to be made without having to rewrite the entire application.
Redux is also useful for developers because it provides a way to store application state without having to set up a backend server. This allows developers to focus more on developing the front-end of their applications, as the implementation of Redux handles the data management for them.

Redux is also a great tool for developers because it enables them to create applications that are easier to debug and maintain. Redux has an “action-reducer” system that allows developers to easily identify how changes to the application state are being handled. This system also ensures that the application state is always consistent and that any changes are tracked.

Overall, Redux is a great tool for developers looking to build applications with a predictable state container. It provides an easy way to manage application state without having to set up a backend server, and it enables developers to create applications that are easier to debug and maintain. If you’re looking for a powerful way to manage data in your applications, Redux is the way to go.

These are just some of the many tools available to help you develop in React. With these tools, you can code like a pro and create powerful and interactive user interfaces.

Thanks for reading.Happy learning 😄


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