What’s new in React 18 ?

 React 18 is the latest version of the popular JavaScript library, React. It is the most significant update since React 16 was released in 2017.

Image source : Pexels

React 18 is a major release and brings a lot of new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.

The main focus of React 18 is to improve the stability and performance of React applications.

It includes a new and improved React server-side renderer, as well as improved support for server-side rendering of React components. This makes it easier to create fast, responsive web applications that are optimized for both client and server-side performance.

Additionally, the new version of React provides improved support for asynchronous rendering, allowing developers to write code that is more efficient and easier to maintain.

In addition to the performance improvements, React 18 also includes many new features. These include improved support for error boundaries, so that developers can catch and handle errors more easily, as well as improved support for suspense, which allows developers to better control the loading state of their components.

React 18 also includes improved support for React Hooks, which allow developers to write more concise and maintainable code. Additionally, this version of React includes improved support for the React DevTools, so developers can more easily debug and profile their applications.

React 18 also includes improved support for internationalisation, so developers can easily create applications that support multiple languages. Finally, React 18 also includes several bug fixes and other improvements that make it easier for developers to create reliable applications.

React 18 is a significant update that provides many new features and improvements to the React library. By improving performance and providing new features, React 18 makes it easier for developers to create reliable, high-performance web applications.

Thanks for reading. Happy learning 😊


React Official Website: https://reactjs.org/blog/2022/03/29/react-v18.html


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