20 Dev Tools for Development in React to Code like a Pro — Part 2

In the previous part we have discussed about the Top 5 React Development Tool. In this article, we will discuss about the next 5 React Development Tools. 

1. React DnD:

React DnD is an incredibly powerful library for building user interfaces in React. It provides the necessary tools for creating drag and drop components with ease. This library has become a staple for many developers, as it allows them to quickly and easily implement drag and drop functionality into their applications.

React DnD provides a set of components for creating drag and drop interfaces. These components are composed of drag sources, drop targets, and draggable elements. The drag sources and drop targets can be used to define the behavior that occurs when an element is dragged into a certain area. The draggable element is the actual item that is being dragged around. This library makes it possible to quickly and easily create drag and drop functionality in a React application.
React DnD also provides a set of hooks that allow developers to add custom behavior to their drag and drop components. These hooks can be used to trigger events, such as onDragStart, onDragEnd, and onDrop. This makes it possible to customize the behavior of a drag and drop component and make it more interactive.

React DnD also provides a set of utilities for managing drag and drop state. These utilities are used to update the state of a drag and drop component as the user interacts with it. This makes it possible to keep track of where an item has been dragged and where it is currently located.

Overall, React DnD is a great library for adding drag and drop functionality to React applications. It provides all the necessary components and hooks for quickly and easily implementing drag and drop interfaces. It also provides utilities for managing drag and drop state, making it possible to keep track of where an item is being dragged and where it is currently located.

2. React Select:

React Select is a library for building powerful, feature-rich select components for React applications. It is a lightweight and efficient library that allows developers to quickly create select components without needing to write a lot of custom code. React Select is designed to be flexible, easy to use, and fast.

3. React Storybook:

React Storybook is an incredibly useful tool that allows developers to build and document components in an isolated environment. With Storybook, developers can quickly and easily build components without having to worry about the complexities of an application’s other components. Storybook provides a sandbox in which developers can create and view components, allowing them to make sure that everything looks and works correctly without having to worry about other components interfering.
Storybook also helps to document components, so that other developers can quickly and easily understand how they work. This is incredibly useful, since it allows developers to quickly get up to speed with a codebase without spending hours reading through documentation. Storybook also provides support for multiple frameworks, so developers can use it with React, Vue, Angular, and more.

Overall, React Storybook is an incredibly powerful tool that helps developers to create and document components quickly and easily. It helps to keep development cycles shorter, since developers can make sure that components are working correctly before integrating them into the larger application. It also provides support for multiple frameworks, so developers can use it with React, Vue, Angular, and more. If you’re looking for a way to quickly and easily create and document components, then React Storybook is a great choice.

4. React Testing Library:

React Testing Library is a popular library that provides helpful tools for testing React components. React Testing Library makes it easy to write tests that are reliable, maintainable, and easy to understand. It works by allowing you to write tests in the form of user interactions, rather than technical tests. This allows you to focus on writing tests that are meaningful to your users, rather than worrying about low-level implementation details.
React Testing Library is built on top of ReactDOM and ReactTestUtils, which are both libraries that are used to interact with React components. ReactDOM is used for rendering components in the browser and ReactTestUtils is used for simulating user interactions. React Testing Library combines these two libraries to provide comprehensive testing tools for React components.

React Testing Library provides a number of helpful features that make it easy to write tests. It allows you to write assertions on both the rendered output of the component and its internal state. It also provides a number of helpful utility functions that make it easier to query the DOM and perform other operations.

The React Testing Library also makes it easy to write tests for asynchronous code. It provides a number of helpful utility functions that allow you to mock asynchronous behavior and write assertions for asynchronously-rendered components.

Overall, React Testing Library is a popular and powerful library that makes it easy to write tests for React components. It provides a number of helpful features that make it easy to write tests that are reliable.

5. ESLint:

If you’re a developer, then you’re probably already familiar with ESLint, the popular open-source JavaScript linter. ESLint is a tool used to statically analyze your code for potential problems and errors, helping to ensure that your code is up to standard and easy to read for other developers.
Since its initial release in 2013, ESLint has quickly become a staple in the JavaScript community. It’s adopted by both small and large companies alike, and is used in a variety of development environments, from web applications to server-side scripting.

So what makes ESLint so useful? Well, one of the main advantages of ESLint is its flexibility. ESLint is highly configurable, allowing developers to set their own rules and customize their linting experience. It also supports a wide range of plugins and environments, meaning it can be used in virtually any development environment.

Another benefit of ESLint is its ability to detect potential problems before they become actual errors.

These are just some of the many tools available to help you develop in React. With these tools, you can code like a pro and create powerful and interactive user interfaces.

Thanks for reading.Happy learning 😄


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